If you offer your visitors the ability to change the date of their visit with the Self-service date changer, then you are sending out the new date change email.
The purpose of the Order Date Change email is to confirm the change in reservation for both: A full & a partial date change and deliver the corresponding newly issued entrance tickets.
The email includes:
- A short description
- The new tickets (upon download)
- The ability to quickly scan tickets via Tap (upon download)
- An order summary, including the order number, the product(s) and the amount of product(s) the date change applies to, the price of the date change and the total price.
- The new validity date (& time)
- The customers' email address
- A short outdo and greetings
- Social Media links
For your customers, this email is a sign of certainty and satisfaction that the desired action was performed successfully.
For you, it is another important touchpoint and thanks to this email, another process made simple with automation.
Just as with all other email templates, you can edit the Subject text, Preview text,