Our Control Panel provides the option to set priorities in various sections. This feature allows you to help your visitors choose certain products, categories or upsells over others.


Overall Rule

Category Priorities





Option Groups

Important Notes


Overall rule

We have one overarching rule: use increments of 10 for setting your standard priorities. This is to allow you to add temporary priorities for special events.


1. Set your standard tickets at 10, 20, 30, 40 etc. This allows you to add special Christmas event tickets at 5, which will place them above the standard tickets.
2. If you want New Year’s tickets to be on top in the last weeks of the year, set them to (for example) 2. This system helps keep things organized and easy to manage.

Category priorities

Category priorities significantly impact the checkout look and feel, which in turn affects conversion rates and revenue. Even a small increase in conversion rate can significantly boost orders.

Suggested Priorities:

  • 1 for New/Add order tickets, making them easy for employees to find.
  • 10-200 for normal flow tickets.
  • Last flow Date change, "I already have a ticket or a voucher", followed by "Voucher", and then "Date change".
  • 700 for testing and practice purposes. Use this for Convious to test a new integration, or for you to test new flow setups, new images, or text.
  • 800 for flows and products you no longer use, to keep things clean.
  • 900 for POS flows.



Begin with priority 10 for your target tickets. For example, if your venue targets children aged 4-12:

  • 10 for ages 4-12
  • 20 for ages 0-3
  • 30 for ages 13+

Adjust priorities if needed, such as swapping 20 and 30 if ages 0-3 are free.


Start with priority 100 for upsells, using increments of 10 (e.g., 100, 110, 120), to differentiate them from normal tickets.


We use 700 for bundles, but they are not shown directly in the CP. For example:

  • 10 - Adult
  • 20 - Child
  • 30 - Baby
  • 700 - Ice cream (hidden)
  • 700 - Photo (hidden)
  • 710 - Adult (hidden)
  • 720 - Child (hidden)
  • 730 - Baby (hidden)

This setup means that purchasing an Adult ticket (priority 10) includes products like ice cream (priority 700), a Photo (priority 700), and another Adult ticket (priority 710).



Using increments of 10 is beneficial for timeslots. If there are numerous timeslots per category, increments of 100 are even more advantageous. For instance, consider a partner like Funplex Myrtle Beach with 10 different timeslot settings for day tickets:

  • 100 - Roller coaster (1 Jan - 20 Jan)
  • 110 - Roller coaster (21 Jan - 13 Feb)
  • 120 - Roller coaster (14 Feb - 10 Mar)
  • 130 - Roller coaster (11 Mar - 10 Jun)

This organization makes it easy to see what timeslots are connected to each flow and the active dates.


Option groups

Priorities for option groups determine the display order in the checkout process. Use increments of 10 for both the groups and the products within them to maintain flexibility for future changes. For example:

Option group: T-shirt sizes

  • 10 - S (10€)
  • 20 - M (10€)
  • 30 - L (10€)
  • 40 - XL (10€)
  • 50 - XXL (10€)


Important Notes

  • Conflicts: If multiple items have the same priority, the system will order them based on their UUID, which is random.
  • Default Settings: Priorities start as NULL, so you have to add numbers yourself.
  • Limit: The maximum priority number is 999.
  • Checkout Impact: High conversion rates depend on an easy UX. Prioritize frequently sold items like day tickets at the top and less common options like date changes or vouchers at the bottom. Limit options to 5 or 6 to avoid items falling below the fold.